Author Archives: tcodez

The Best Gear to Learn Music

I was in middle school when I first discovered my stress-release superpower. Whenever I got made fun of for my hair gel or my white Chuck Taylors (apparently mine were the girls’ version, even though Chandler from Friends wore the exact pair I did), I’d descend into my suburban basement. Shimmering atop the checkered carpet […]

Piano for Body, Mind and Soul

There has always been a recognized trinity between the mind, the body, and the therapeutic qualities of music. And the piano, specifically, has been a long-recognized source of remedy for those seeking escape and creative expression. But recent years have also offered a wealth of scientific studies that demonstrate our instincts have always been correct: […]

Celebrity Guitars

Musical Instruments as Luxury Items The article seeks to explore why musicians’ instruments that were originally mass-produced, such as electric guitars, have gained the status of luxury items and highly collectible artifacts. Special attention is paid to individual instruments that have been previously owned by celebrities and/or rock musicians and to instruments that have been […]

Music and Health

Music is a fundamental attribute of the human species. Virtually all cultures, from the most primitive to the most advanced, make music. It’s been true through history, and it’s true throughout an individual’s lifespan. In tune or not, we humans sing and hum; in time or not, we clap and sway; in step or not, […]